Pocket Sandwich Theatre is hosting auditions for its production of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
The theater will host auditions at its location on August 6 and 7.

According to a recent release, Carrollton’s Pocket Sandwich Theatre is hosting auditions for its upcoming production of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Auditions run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on August 6 and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on August 7.
The aptly-timed “spooky, but not too spooky” production, directed by Staci Ingram, will run from September 29-November 11. The theater itself will host the auditions, which the release explains will consist of “cold reads from both sides of the script.” Rehearsals will then begin immediately following the play’s casting.
Pocket Sandwich Theatre has included a list of available roles in its release, noting that previous actors with the theater will reprise the roles of Jekyll and Hyde. The theater still plans to hold understudy auditions for both of those leading roles, however.
Those interested in scheduling a specific audition time can do so through the production’s SignUpGenius page. Refer to the release below to see the list of available roles, along with additional information about the play.
“AUDITIONS! August 6 & 7
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
By Joe Dickinson
Directed by Staci Ingram
Another one of our spooky (but not too spooky) popcorn-tossers, this time a very strange case of Dr. Jekyll doing weird science (long before Puny Banner smashed into the scene). This show is one part heroic and one part villainous, a perfect formula for raucous fun this Halloween season. Come on down and audition for a unique experience only found at PST!
This show will run from September 29th through November 11th. Actors will be paid a stipend.
Auditions will be held August 6th from 6-8pm and August 7th from 7-9pm, and will consist of cold reads from sides of the script. Auditions will be held at the theatre located at 1104 S Elm St, Carrollton, TX 75006. Rehearsals to begin immediately after casting.
Pocket Sandwich Theatre is looking for a diverse group of actors. Actors from historically underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to audition.
ALFRED ENFIELD – 30-60s A lovable, and usually half-bagged, rascal.
RICHARD UTTERSON – 30-50s A lawyer and good friend of Henry Jekyll.
PHILLIP POOLE – 20-50s The poetry-loving manservant of Jekyll.
MRS. POLLY BRADSHAW – 20-50s The poetry-loving housekeeper of Jekyll.
OFFICER DONLEY – 20-50s A stalwart London bobby.
SIR DANVERS CAREW – 40-60s Isobel’s disapproving father.
DR. LANYON – 40-60s Once Henry Jekyll’s teacher and friend.
REBECCA CAREW – 40-50s A spinster icicle who needs only to be thawed.
ISOBEL CAREW – 20s Jekyll’s sweetheart; proper gentlewoman without, a volcano within.
MRS. COREY – 30-60 A garrulous charwoman.
BESSIE BANGER – 20-30s An overly ambitious doxy
THE MATCH LADY – A blind and ill-fated match vendor.
*Note: Although the roles of Jekyll and Hyde are being reprised by the previous actors, the director will be auditioning for understudies.
Sign up below! Get up your nerve at the last minute? Come on down! For details and to schedule an audition slot, click HERE.
Pocket Sandwich Theatre
1104 S. Elm Street
Carrollton, Texas 75006