The Rotary Clubs of Plano are ready to bring back the annual Plano Holiday Parade
The Rotary Clubs of Plano Holiday Parade will begin marching at 2:00 p.m. on December 2.

Santa Claus is coming to Plano a bit early this year thanks to the return of the city’s annual holiday parade. Hosted by The Rotary Clubs of Plano, the Plano Holiday Parade will march along its route past the Plano Municipal Center starting at 2:00 p.m. on December 2.
“I’m excited to just see all the little kids’ faces when they see Santa come by,” Plano Holiday Parade Co-Chair Liz Lansing said, referring to Kris Kringle’s presence on the Rotary Club float scheduled to close out the parade.
Lansing said the parade will include 60 groups this year, including Plano ISD marching bands, cheerleaders and drill teams as well as around 30 trailers, floats or other similar elements.
The parade will be the second to officially march under the guidance of Lansing and The Rotary Parades of Plano team, following its Fourth of July parade earlier this year.
“We got a lot of great reactions. People were really happy to see the parades back,” Lansing said of the Fourth of July celebration.
She described how she’s seen lots of excitement over the return of the Plano Holiday Parade this year after imminent inclement weather conditions forced the cancellation of last year’s holiday parade.
“This year, we’re counting on an amazing, beautiful warm day, and I think the conditions are going to be perfect for it to be a great parade,” Lansing said.

In the evening, the Dickens in Downtown Plano celebration will follow the parade from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with live music, pictures with Santa Claus and a traditional tree lighting ceremony, among other festivities.
Lansing noted that the city is helping sponsor the parade, allowing its organizers to expand its scope and increase its visibility in the local community.
“It’s definitely a great collaboration between the two groups,” Lansing said of The Rotary Clubs of Plano and the city.
Lansing views the parade as something that helps bring the Plano community together as they’re able to take part in a seasonal holiday tradition that’s endured for three decades.
“People are just remembering how it used to be for the past 30 years prior to COVID,” Lansing said of the excitement around the return of the holiday celebration. “To have something like that in Plano is always very exciting and definitely something that brings the community together.”
The Plano Holiday Parade kicks off at 2:00 p.m. on December 2 on 18th Street at M Avenue. For more information about the parade, including a map of the parade route, visit